Together with our partners, we are proud to offer several services to our valued customers

Corn NIT Analysis

With corn being a key ingredient in animal feeds, it is important to understand that each batch of corn varies in nutritional value. To ensure flexibility and consistency in your formulations, we perform in-house near infrared spectroscopy (NIT) analysis to generate proximate values of your corn.

Enzyme recovery

Supplementing feed with our enzyme solutions will reduce ingredient variability, resulting in more uniform animal growth and increased producer profitability. With the variability in nutritional value between ingredients and feed mills, it is important to properly formulate enzymes into the diet to gain maximal benefit. Together with DuPont Biosciences, we offer enzyme recovery services to ensure you are receiving the best value from our enzymes.

Amino Acid Analysis

Together with Ajinomoto Animal Nutrition North America, Inc. [AANA], we offer an amino acid analysis service and database as part of a commitment to our customers. The analytical service and the AANA amino acid database are intended to aid nutritionists with identifying the amino acid matrix of their ingredients and feeds, thereby allowing them to further improve upon their formulation accuracy and feed quality.
